Dear Lydia,
I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for my Buddy. Without your help he would have gone completely deaf! He was seen by 2 Veterinarians who specialized in canine hearing, neither one had a clue!
Fortunately I had the prescience of mind to consult you. Not only was your diagnosis correct, your recommended treatment was also. Just as you said, his hearing came back!!
Thank you a million times over, YOU ARE A WONDER!!! Many thanks also to Joan. Her efficiency and professional demeanor were a great help.
Warmest regards,
Nannette & Buddy
Nannette & Buddy
My dog Charlie has Irritable Bowel Syndrome and food allergies. I have changed her food several times, she is on pre and probiotic, western drugs and eastern herbs and nothing really helps her, especially the last several weeks. She has been having terrible gas and abdominal discomfort about 10 hours after she eats. She huffs and puffs, jumping on the bed (that is not her place, the bed is the cat’s domain). She scratches me to help her. Running out of options, I reached out to Lydia Hiby. After a short phone call, Lydia "talked" to my dog or the dog "talked" to Lydia, I am not sure what exactly happened. I paid my $40 and thanked Lydia for her service. Still not sure what had happened, it was the best $40 I have ever spent.... Just like that, Charlie slept the whole night without even one disturbance. She was asleep and I finally got a good night’s sleep. I can not explain what had happened, just accept it. Charlie did not have any gas, any disturbance for days after the "conversation" with Lydia. Thank you!

Lydia is one of the most amazing people on this planet! Her compassion, insight, and ability to communicate with animals is unbelievable! Over the last fifteen years, or so, her ability to speak with, and help me get insight from, several of my Bearded Collies has blown me away. Needless to say, she has been right on target with every one of her assessments of my dogs, resulting in a better, happier life for each one of them, and myself, in turn. The first time I contacted Lydia, I was a little unsure about the "whole animal communication" idea, but she immediately "blew me away" with information she only could have gotten from truly connecting and "conversing with" my dog, resulting in a more rewarding relationship between my dog and myself. She is a natural in communicating with animals and she really cares about the animals, trying to help them . She literally leaves me "floored" each and everytime. She truly has a gift, and uses her gift to help others in the most caring and compassionate way. . Thank goodness for Lydia, a true angel on earth!
Bless you, dear friend!
Gwen Schaneville, and Bearded Collies (Bentley, Bailey, Brody, and Bonney) Baton Rouge, LA

Hello Ladies, I just wanted to let you know that Humphrey the camel is eating his hay ( and not just the super expensive stuff) and has put all his weight back on. I don't know what you said to him, but whatever it was, it worked. I can't thank you enough. There's not a doubt in my mind that you saved his life. I will definitely refer you to friends and contact you in the future with questions about any of my pets. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Molly S. and Humphrey "Humpy" the camel
Geeves, 2009: The first "reading" Lydia ever did for me was a conversation with my first (late) horse, Geeves. Toward the end of the conversation, I wanted to know if Geeves would allow my mother to ride him one day. He told Lydia that he would allow my mom to ride him, but he was worried about her health. He was picking up discomfort and some problem with my mother's right hip. Lydia put her hands on her own hip to indicate the area Geeves mentioned. Fast-forward three years: I was watching the video my best friend took of that reading. My jaw dropped when I got to Geeves's comments about my mom's hip: During the summer of 2012, my mother had to undergo radiation therapy to treat a metastasis in her right hip. My mother also confirmed that in 2009 some abnormalities were detected in her blood tests, although the mass would not be discovered until 2012. (Dark brown Thoroughbred)

Galahad, 2013: I brought a photo of my new horse, Galahad, to have a reading by Lydia Hiby and other members of Lydia's animal communication class. The reading went very well, and Lydia and the class gave me a lot of information about Galahad's training. The next day, when I told my friend (and trainer) what Lydia and the class had said, she asked what time we spoke to Galahad. My friend had been training Galahad; my horse had been very distracted during the ride--probably because he was talking to all of us! (Gray Arabian/Lipizzaner)
Sara F.

Lydia has an amazing talent to communicate with animals which blows me away every time I have a consultation with her. It doesn't matter where in the world you, your pet or Lydia are located, she tunes in to the animal and gives you the most interesting feedback. I am starting a young horse "from scratch" and it is extremely helpful every six months or so to check in with him and see how we are progressing, but I have also had consultations with my dog and cat which have yielded unexpected results! Lydia is also a wealth of knowledge on animal health and numerous times has recommended that I supplement my animals with specific vitamins or Bach Flower remedies. I have recommended Lydia to many friends and business contacts all over the world and will continue to do so.
Jen P. and Horse Monty, Dog Humphrey and Cat Tiggie :)

When I first heard about animal communicators I was skeptical. It sounded neat but how scientific was this? How would I know she didn't just make up a bunch of stuff? When my beloved Paint gelding, Buddy, continued to be lame with no clear cause, I phoned Lydia while standing with Buddy in his paddock. Then she said, "Now about this hoof," and at that moment, Buddy swung his problematic right front hoof forward, looked at it, then looked at me. It was clear to me by the end of the conversation that Lydia was the real deal; she really does talk with animals! As my own confidence and knowledge about animal communication has grown, I've found it just as valuable a tool as my in-depth study of the Parelli Method of natural horsemanship. And imagine my delight when I learned Lydia had begun to learn some Parelli too! Nothing in this world is 100% all the time, and sometimes for various reasons I've amended what Lydia has told me, but this skill is unbelievably valuable when wanting to speak to and hear from our animals.
Lisa B.
I have always competed with border collies, and Doc was going to be "my working Aussie," but I made a serious error - I forgot to consider that Doc might be destined to do something else. I took my problem to Lydia. To Lydia, each dog is a true gift, created in its own image, with its individual purposes and destiny. She told me Doc felt that his name identified him as a healing dog, a dog destined to work with people, not stock... Doc went with Connie and Jim that day, and he has not skipped a beat in his pursuit of becoming Jim's best friend, Connie's partner in pet therapy, and a constance source of strength and love for Bell and her family as they face the challenge of her illness... I have come to realize that I was just a vehicle used by Doc and a greater power to take him the place he really belongs, beside bell and her family.

Thank you again so very much for all of your help with our "Momma" Horse. She is now barefoot and waiting for spring to get pregnant. We hope. We couldn't have done so well at the Morgan Show without you
Lisa R.
We are awed and exhilarated. Lydia was intelligent, compassionate, quick witted, personable, warm, funny, very knowledgeable and very good with solid practical advice. She is an amazing resource and nailed many aspects of Orka's life. Just how right-on she was becomes more evident with each passing day as we get confirmations and evidence of accuracy. Best risk we've ever taken! Worth every dollar in gold. We will be calling Lydia Hiby again. Thank you Lord!
Leska & Orka

Over 12 years ago, Lydia and I were introduced thru a mutual friend.... I then called Lydia many times about my cat and dog....she always helped me with the questions we both wanted answers to,and what they wanted me to know about them.
Your pets WANT you to know how they feel, think, what they want to eat and sleep in......I never knew that until Lydia came into my life...but it all makes sense why would they not?
We also, became fast friends and since then we have referred many of our mutual clients to each other, she reads animals and I read people...we make a great team.
Then one day - I had a big question for Lydia and she really helped me out, if anything emotionally.
At the time, I had to have an emergency surgery and my dog Reba had no where to go, my daughter was young and we were living in a new state, I truly felt at that time that Reba was not getting quality care from the both of us, and wanted to do right by her.
I found her a new owner,but we missed her so much, that we went to back get her and bring her home.. the stress of all that took its toll on her..... she passed away a month later, at 7 yrs old.
Being totally devastated, I was not ready to get another dog yet, I spend quite a bit of time crying and feeling guilty. This is where Lydia comes in....she helped me through this rough time. I knew she would come back to us, in a new body and we would get her back....it just had to be when my daughter ans I were both ready.
For 5 years I asked Reba by looking at her photo, to tell me when she was back...one day I heard -" I am back and am surrounded by Foxes."...I looked in the paper ... one golden Pomeranian for sale by Cynthia Fox. I KNEW IT WAS HER - does help being a psychic.
The breeder actually did not want to give up the dog....well when I pulled her in her driveway.......little"Foxy" ran across the yard and tried to jump in the car...so I knew right then.....MY girl had returned. Many of you know this story as we share a lot of clients.
Tonya Somers
I knew my rambunctious Jack Russell Terrier had things to tell me that I just couldn't understand. A friend who agreed gave me a gift certificate for a consultation with Lydia Hiby, and I dialled the phone, initially skeptical.
Well, Laura Jane told Lydia a lot of things - why she didn't like being stroked on the top of her head; why she disliked one neighbor; why she was obsessed with riding in the car; it all just came spilling out of her! I listened and learned and laughed out loud. Among other surprises I was able to confirm from her previous owner -- yes, she had chased sheep!
Laura Jane had to take a pill twice a day, but often spat it out -- it was a constant problem to get it down her. When the call was complete, Laura Jane showed up in the kitchen with a resigned look on her face, and from then onwards ate the pill with her food. I know that sounds improbable, but there's no other explanation.

I've called regularly since that first time, and I'd like to thank Lydia for successfully helping both myself and all 3 of my rescue dogs live happier, healthier lives. It really was the best gift I've ever received.
Dear Lydia,
Thank you very much for your wonderful insight on our foster girl, Misty. You gave us information on her background and past that was helpful and validating as well as information on the cause of the atrophy in her rear leg. You picked up that it was from a minor spider bite and recommended a homeopathic for it. Well, it worked and what was interesting was that the first time I gave her the remedy she was resistant to it, but for the 2nd dose, which was the next day, she practically grabbed the pellets out of my hand and was very happy and enthusiastic about taking it. That spoke volumes. She seemed to know that it was good for her or it was helping her.
Misty continues to thrive as we await her future forever parents. (more about Misty..)
Thanks again Lydia.
With love,
Diane, Rob and Misty-girl
Diane, Rob and Misty-girl

Thank you for YEARS of helpful communication and tons of fun with our animals. You have been a helpful and enjoyable part of my "team". Even when the information is difficult to hear, your style and integrity has always been top notch. Thank you from my whole barn; human and horses!
Susan Hoffman Peacock
P.S. Cassius sends a special hello to you. he is healthy, happy and working and showing upper level dressage at the age of 32. I am eenclosing a recent photo of the two of us.
I met Lydia 9 years ago at the Regional of the Poodle Club of America, in Riverside/ CA.
I made an appointment with 2 of my dogs ( one was Phoebe´s grandfather) and I was impressed, how much she told me about them. I bought her book and was fascinated what she was writting.
3 years ago I called Lydia, because I have had problems with Phoebe´s dam. Now I contacted her again, because of Phoebe. Phoebe and I had a bounding from the day of her birth. When she was almost 1 year, she seperated herself and lifed her own live without being a part of the family. I was unhappy, because she gave me the feeling, that she is not happy at all. Also at dogshows she started to be afraid of everything. The only way I thought I could help her and me, was getting in contact with Lydia. So I wrote her an email and she told me, what was going on and what I should do. Phoebe´s change started about 3 days later. She is again "my " dog. Happy and full a life . 5 weeks later at the Regional of the Poodle Club she went BOV.
Thank you very much Lydia for giving me "my Phoebe" back. It shows, that your work works worldwide, because Phoebe and I live in Germany.
Susanne and Phoebe

I could go on and on…let me know if you’d like more. It really has been amazing. When I first got this horse he kicked me in the stomach and bolted three times with me, all within a year! I’ve had him nearly five years and Lydia’s reading last February took us to a different place in our relationship, a really deep and loving place.
Sorry…told you I could go on…
The initial reading on my gelding, Lakota, was so amazing and right on. I couldn’t believe that you could know so much about him without even meeting him. The information your provided really helped me to help him. As a result, we are happily trail riding where ever we can find a trail to tackle. As an advanced PNH student I thought I already had a really good relationship with Lakota. After your reading I feel like that relationship went to a deeper level of understanding between us that included even more trust. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gift of insight. We both appreciate you so much.
Kim Van Buskirk & Smokin Paleface (Lakota)
"I was about to choose my 'pick puppy.' I showed Lydia a picture of the three girls. Lydia immediately picked out Oakley. She told me that the puppy had a great personality, and wanted to do EVERYTHING. Oakley was not the one I was thinking of choosing. From what she said, I knew Oakley was the one that would fit into our family best.

Lydia was correct as usual. Oakley is such a sweet soul and is happy anywhere in the pecking order. She is exactly as Lydia described. THANKS LYDIA."
Linda Hurley, and the Manchester Terriers:
CH Just a Shenanigan
CH Just Ta Ta For Now
CH Toria Just Cowgirl Up (Oakley)
Susan Hoffman Peacock
"The first time I called upon Lydia for help was several years ago when our horse had a lameness problem. Two veterinarians were having trouble finding the cause. I had Lydia talk to the horse. I wrote down everything that she said, so that I wouldn't get anything wrong. When the veterinarian returned to do more testing, I mentioned that I had spoken to Lydia. I was told, 'I deal in science, not magic.' After several hundred dollars worth of X-rays, etc., guess what? Lydia was right. Everything the test showed matched exactly to what I had written down. The horse was given special pads and shoes (even the angle of the wedge was correct). The horse has been sound ever since. Lydia is a Savior to people, as well as animals. It is a joy to know that when problems arise, Lydia can let you know what direction to take. I will be eternally greatful for all Lydia does."
Linda Hurley
Thanks for the wonderful work you do. You have opened the bonds of communication between Annie and I. I will always be grateful for the gift you have given us.
Mary Lou Cornwell & Annie (Read more…)

Tibby and I first attended Lydia's class in the fall of 2002. During the afternoon portion of the class Tibby told one of the class members that he wanted to be a "therapy dog" and help people.

As a result in 2003 Tibby and I became part of the Pet Assisted Therapy program at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, CA. Tibby took part in the program for the next three years, until age and health caused his retirement. In that time he brought cheer and was a great source of comfort to many seriously ill and sometimes dying people. Short before his retirement Tibby told a class member "one of his 'patients' was going to die soon." I asked if he knew which one? He show the class member a picture of an elderly woman with light hair and big glasses. This description did not match any of the patients we had visited recently. However, it did match a neighbor of ours, who unbeknownst to me, had gone into the hospital the night before. Tibby had visited the neighbor several years before when she had a pacemaker implanted, I guess in his mind that made her one of his patients for life. Our neighbor died three days later while undergoing heart surgery.
Tibby, whom Lydia adopted as her "nephew," and I continue to attend the class regularly. Tibby is introduced as the exception to the Lhasa rule. Tibby has been promoted to assistant teacher, and is used as the lead off animal during the practice portion of the class. Tibby loves to "talk to people" and help them learn the communication skills, he is happiest when he has a large class to "teach."
Susan Panton and Tibby