Virtual Seminars

Want to Learn To Talk To Animals? …And Get Answers?

Lydia Hiby, an “animal communicator,” will teach you the techniques to use with animals and non-verbal people (comatose, stroke victims, autistic children, etc.). During this seminar each participant is encouraged to bring a pet. Please do not borrow someone else’s, as you will not be able to confirm the animal’s situation. For animals that can’t travel, please bring photos to class.

There will be three hours of theory and at least three hours of practical application. You will learn vital pet nutrition and homeopathic first-aid. You will also learn the psychological characteristics of specific breeds that may not be changed through training or ESP; how to correct the bully pet; how to effectively house-break your pet; how to break up a dog fight without getting bitten, and how to use non-verbal communication in training or in show. A fifteen page notebook is provided.

This seminar is originally how I started to learn to “talk to the animals”! Everyone has the ability, God has blessed all of us with his gift!


Seminar Registration
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* All classes must be paid two weeks in advance and are non-refundable, unless canceled.
** If your group/club/organization is interested in sponsoring a seminar in your area, please contact me.

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