Links & Resources
Deceased Pets
Lydia does not work with pets that have crossed over Rainbow Bridge. For decease pets, please email Teresa Wagner at or visit
Lost Pets
If you have a lost pet, please contact contact Tim Link directly at
Lifewave Patches
The science of phototherapy, which has been around for about 100 years, uses light to improve the health of the body. As far back as two thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks had a center for studying the effects of different colored lights on the body. Even the ancient Egyptians, who promoted health by focusing sunlight through colored glass on certain areas of the body, understood this concept.
Pet Products
- Bunny Luv – All on bunnies
- Earth Song Ranch – All Natural Equine, Canine and Feline Supplements, and more!
- Patio Pacific Pet Doors
- Pawier – Liquid Vitamin C for your pets
- The Pet Whisperer – Dr. Stephen Blake, DVM – Holistic Vet
- Pet Friendly Accommodations Directory – Find a place to live or stay with your animals!
- Oxyfresh Pet Products – I am an independent Oxyfresh distributor, and personally use their Animal and People products in my home.
- Rhinestone Collars – For a neat homemade rhinestone collar for your pet.
- Half Moon Herbal – For your horses.
- Loving K-9 Guidance
- Earth Song Horse Products
- Happy Hoodie – Dog Ear Covers
- Pet Liability Insurance
Other Links
- Equine Affaire – The Great American Horse Exposition
- Visit Tonya Somers for a wonderful people reading…
- Southern California Equestrian Directory
- Photonic Light Photonic Torch
- Dr. Denice Moffat
- My Horse For Sale
- California Wildlife Center – Animal Emergency Information
- Animalia – Pet Products & Services